

Table Spanning a Millennium

屋久杉 Yakusugi / L2400×W1200×t60(mm)

屋久島が育んできた杉は、七千年もの樹齢をもつ。それが屋久杉。 杉の平均的な寿命は五百年あまりと言われているが屋久杉には二千年を超える巨木が多くある。 養分に乏しい花崗岩の地に育ち、成長が遅い。水に恵まれつつ、ゆっくり育つために緻密で樹脂分が多く腐りにくく杉としては長寿で巨木となる。
The cedar nurtured by Yakushima has a lifespan of up to 7,000 years. This is Yakusugi. While the average lifespan of cedar trees is said to be just over 500 years, many Yakusugi trees exceed 2,000 years. Growing in nutrient-poor granite soil, their growth is slow. Blessed with abundant water, they develop slowly, resulting in dense wood rich in resin, making them resistant to decay and extraordinarily long-lived and massive for cedar trees.

Dining Table for a Summer Retreat

ブラックウォールナット Black Walnut / L4100×W920×t60(mm)

一枚の板を囲んで、一家団欒。 4mを超える一枚板は、別荘ならではのサイズ感。
Surrounded by a single slab, the family gathers together. A single slab over 4 meters long offers a unique sense of scale, perfect for a vacation home.

Branching Growth / Sofa Table

ブラックウォールナット Black Walnut / L1450×W270×t60(mm) / レジン Resin

黒レジン加工で900mm四方の形に仕上げる。 自然と人工の融合で作られたソファテーブル。
Finished in a 900mm square shape with black resin processing. A sofa table created through the fusion of nature and artificial design.

Cutting Table of Ginza Ichibankan

欅 Keyaki / L 5200×W150×t60(mm)

On a 5.2-meter long and 1.5-meter wide wooden surface, suites are tailored daily. It showcases the craftsmanship of artisans.

Chokai Mountain・ Jindai Cedar, Dining Table Hospitality

神代杉 Jindai Cedar

黒褐色に輝く銘木。火山の火・灰に育てられた神代杉。 太古の昔、山形と秋田の境に位置する鳥海山に生えていた樹木が火山噴火による火砕流や土石流に立木のまま流され、埋もれ、長い年月のうち、さらに土砂が堆積し、地中深く菌類に侵食させることなく、ほぼそのままの状態で残ったもの。人工的な工事で掘削された地層から偶然発見される。それがこの神代杉。 地中にあるとき、杉の表面は黒色だが、内部は卵の黄身のような色をしている。再び酸素と光にふれると、色を変え、薄い墨色のようになり、それを数年かけて乾燥させると、灰色の美しい色へと変化する。長い年月を経てようやく出会える素材である。
A prized wood that shines in dark brown. Nurtured by the fire and ash of a volcano, Jindai Cedar comes from trees that once grew on Chokai Mountain, located on the border of Yamagata and Akita. During an ancient volcanic eruption, these trees were swept away by pyroclastic flows and debris flows, buried for a long time. Over the years, sediment accumulated, preserving them almost intact without being eroded by fungi deep underground. They are accidentally discovered through artificial excavation of the strata. This is the Jindai Cedar. When buried, the surface of the cedar is black, but the interior resembles the color of egg yolk. Once exposed to oxygen and light again, it changes color to a light ink hue, and after drying for several years, it transforms into a beautiful gray. This material can only be encountered after a long passage of time.

Knotty Window / Table

ニレ Elm / L3000×W500×t60(mm) / レジン Resin

Covering and repairing the missing knots with transparent resin processing.

A Painting or a Tea Table? / Low Table

黒柿 Knotty Persimmon / L2000×W700×t50(mm)

By creatively attaching the legs, it can serve as a table at times and as an object at others.

Yoshino Cedar for the Music Room / Meeting Table

吉野杉 Yoshino Cedar / L2700×W850×t60(mm)

Suitable for both discussions and dining.

Yoshino Cedar as a Tea Table. / Low Table

吉野杉 Yoshino Cedar / L1450×W700×t60(mm)

A low table that blends seamlessly into a Japanese-style space.

A Single Slab in the City / Meeting Table

ホワイトアッシュ White Ash / L2000×W800×t60(mm)

Gathering around a single slab, collaborating, and exchanging ideas with friends.

Cafe Table

ウォールナット Walnut / L450×W240×t500(mm)

Hotel Lounge Table

ウォールナット Walnut / L 4000×W1100(mm)

Concierge Table

ウォールナット Walnut / L1500×W500×t730(mm)


A Single Slab for a Bench

ブラックウォールナット Black Walnut / L2300×W400×t60(mm)

A completely solid bench made from a single slab, with arms, backrest, and legs all crafted from the same piece of wood.

Japanese Walnut: Contrast of Black and White / Sofa

鬼胡桃 Japanese Walnut / L00×W00×t 00(mm)

Wood that has developed its contrast due to broken branches, water seeping into the trunk, and efforts to protect itself from decay.

Sitting on a 2500-Year-Old Tree / Bench

神代杉 Jindai Cedar / L2000×W1200×t60(mm)

黒褐色に輝く銘木。火山の火・灰に育てられた神代杉。 太古の昔、山形と秋田の境に位置する鳥海山に生えていた樹木が火山噴火による火砕流や土石流に立木のまま流され、埋もれ、長い年月のうち、さらに土砂が堆積し、地中深く菌類に侵食させることなく、ほぼそのままの状態で残ったもの。人工的な工事で掘削された地層から偶然発見される。それがこの神代杉。 地中にあるとき、杉の表面は黒色だが、内部は卵の黄身のような色をしている。再び酸素と光にふれると、色を変え、薄い墨色のようになり、それを数年かけて乾燥させると、灰色の美しい色へと変化する。長い年月を経てようやく出会える素材である。
A prized wood that shines in dark brown, nurtured by the fire and ash of a volcano. Jindai Cedar comes from trees that once grew on Chokai Mountain, located on the border of Yamagata and Akita. During an ancient volcanic eruption, these trees were swept away by pyroclastic flows and debris flows, buried over a long period. Additional sediment accumulated, preserving them almost intact without being eroded by fungi deep underground. They are accidentally discovered through artificial excavation of the strata. This is the Jindai Cedar. When buried, the surface of the cedar is black, but the interior resembles the color of egg yolk. Once exposed to oxygen and light again, it changes color to a light ink hue, and after drying for several years, it transforms into a beautiful gray. This material can only be encountered after a long passage of time.

Entrance Bench

鬼胡桃 Japanese Walnut / L2500×W500×t60(mm)

一枚の板が、玄関のベンチに生まれ変わる。 鬼胡桃の斑点を意匠として変化させた、天然のデザイン。
A single slab is reborn as an entrance bench. The natural design features the unique spots of Japanese walnut, transformed into an artistic statement.


A Whole Tree Kitchen

ブラックウォールナット Black Walnut / L 5000×W500×t60(mm)

調理スペースと食事スペースを5mのウォールナット一枚で完結。 黒レジン加工で、調理スペースを広く使いやすく。
The cooking and dining areas are completed with a single 5-meter slab of walnut. The black resin finish creates a spacious and user-friendly cooking area.


The currently available single slabs
can be viewed.

Etre Designの仕事

Works of Etre Design


MUKU ten. 銀座 Ginza SHOP

〒104-0041 東京都中央区新富2丁目5−4 1F  営業日:水曜〜土曜 12:00-18:30

1F, 2-5-4 Shintomi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0041, Japan
Operating Days: Wednesday to Saturday, 12:00 PM - 6:30 PM